Crazy Lemontree, learn Norwegian with Ellen, Norwegian lessons

Health care in Norwegian

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The whole playlist - click here.
Emergencies 1.
Emergencies 2.
Emergencies 3.
Emergencies 4.
Questions from the doctor.
Asking for help.
General Care 1.
General Care 2.
Visiting the doctor 1.
Visiting the doctor 2.
Asthma 1.
Asthma 2.
Asthma 3.
Astma 4.
Heart problems.
High blood pressure.
Useful phrases 1.
Useful phrases 2.
Useful phrases 3.
Useful phrases 4.
Useful phrases 5.
Treatment 1.
Treatment 2.
Treatment 3.
Childhood illnesses.
General words in healt care 1.
General words in health care 2.
The body 1.
The body 2.
The body 3.
The body 4.
The body 5.
Signs and symptoms 1.
Signs and symptoms 2.
Signs and symptoms 3.
Signs and symptoms 4.
Signs and symptoms 5.
Health care personal - titles.
Medicines, drugs and remedies.
Illnesses 1.
Illnesses 2.
Illnesses 3.
Dentists 1.
Dentists 2.

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